
Saturday, October 12, 2013

What should I do to improve my public speaking?

Hello.. hello.. and hello my lovely readers :) Today, English is used widely. it has become the most popular language of communication between countries and in many fields of human endeavor. So it is important that we learn to use english. Otherwise we'll be at a disadvantage. Whats that?

The only effective way of improving my English is to use it, as often as possible. In school, the only time when English is used is during English lessons like HPE or HSP ( English subject). That certainly is not enough. So wherever possible I speak English with some friends and teacher who will or can speak English with me.

Sometimes reading book, magazines and newspaper are good ways of improving my public speaking. On the whole they are grammatically correct. We may speak incorrect English  and get away with it. Not so with printed words, they have to be correct. Trough reading, I tried to learned how to use correct English in writing and speaking, thought at times still speak the broke broken English that many of use speak here.

Furthermore, watching television and listening to the radio are two more ways of improving my speaking English. English as it is spoken by the English, Americans, Malaysia and other are distinctly different.

So I continue to use English, that is, hear, read and especially speak  and write it. Some of many friend only hear it. I'll try my best to master it. My friends? just laughing at me right now, but not soon. InsyaAllah i'll catch it. Thats all :)

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