
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How do I communicate effectively with my new classmate and roommate

How do I communicate effectively with my new classmate 
 and roommate ??
Is it the final essay in my assignment to be completed? Yes, of course. The tittle as above. Well, I keep on title-linking. Actually, in fact, in the world I'm feel sure everyone has a variety of friends habits. Some good, some bad and some are evil. There are many ways to communicate effectively with my new classmate and roommate. For me, sometimes we need to embrace their nature. But do not we follow their negative actions. Normally we see our new friends in class and in the room (in the hostel).Tto communicate with different people need a variety of ways. How do I?
Begin with something positive. Whenever we need to have a serious discussion with anyone new with us, it is always advisable to begin with something positive. We must be sincere and not use artificial praise as a form of manipulation. People automatically become defensive when they hear someone beginning with negatives, such as criticism or complaints. But if the same comments were preceded by a compliment, people would be vastly more open to consider what they are being told. So if I need to express my dissatisfaction to my new friends (and who doesn't?!), try to begin speaking by offering a few words of approval or something like this "hi, you looks beautiful today. Let have some breakfast together then we can share and continue our new story"
Next is I almost explain what made I feel the way I did. People often mistakenly assume that their feelings are universal. They think, "Anyone would feel the way I did." It is so obvious to them that their feelings were "normal" that they see no need to explain to their friends exactly why they feel the way they do. Instead, they simply recount the disturbing events and let the tale speak for itself. This is a serious mistake. If I do not explain, in the most specific language possible, exactly how I felt, 
my friends  will not understand what bothered me.
Furthermore, dont talk too much and give them a chance to talk. Sometimes we can recognize a person in conversation. We do not need to talk a lot to impress our roomate or classmate. Say what was necessary. Dont be too serious and not too casual. Just be a normal person. if you do this "new" want to know them. If already long together, keep up the pace of your life with them as usual. New people do not seem like old people. I think readers will understand. hehehehe
 (whom we just know will not wise up)
Lastly, try to be fun, friendly and ratable. Besides doing all of our work and contributing, there’s still more we can do to be an awesome with new classmate and roommate.  I know maybe you’re thinking, “What?! More work?”  but in all honesty, these tips are something we could really incorporate into your social skills in general. Being closed off, quiet and shy can sometimes make you seem a little standoffish and to ourself, which could halt the communication process or even start it from occurring. Be fun and friendly to work with so that everyone feels comfortable talking to us and being themselves around you. This is most important if we have someone in our group who is very quiet and shy. They WANT to interact with the group,class or room, they just may be a bit more shy than the rest. It doesn’t mean they’re mean, don’t like you  or don’t want to contribute, they just need a little extra nudge to get them out of their shell. Here’s where we come in! See what they like, what they don’t like. Work with them on the ideas and maybe speak with them on those things to deliver a consensus of our opinions to the rest of the group. The purpose of the class project is to get everyone involved, so if that means working a little more with someone a bit more shy to make sure that happens, do that! We’ll feel rewarded making a new friend who may actually end up being super sweet and funny and maybe I’ll even meet someone I can hang out with outside of class. Make sure everyone’s comfortable. That goes hand in hand with not letting anyone make us feel uncomfortable. We’re just as important as the rest of our classmate or roomate or group  members, so work constructively, together. Thats all from me:) have a nice day.

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