
Monday, October 7, 2013

What should I do to achieve my dream? :)

Peace friends! HEHEE..
Today I will write about what I should do to achieve my dream as title above earlier :) .. I apologize for any spelling mistakes @ my grammatical errors in English.

I have many dreams... besides, I want to be (dean's list for every semester) the best students in academic and other matters such as meeting, incentive, convention and exhibition, because I was freshman in course tourism. 
hehehee .. Just want to share.
Back to the original topic, what should i do to achieve my dream. I had a meeting with the teacher and chat with friends who can help. They suggest me to do some important things and I have to do it! maybe its look like simple thing. But how much people can't can do this?
Many of us say “I want to achieve my dreams,” but are not sure where to begin. We want more out of life but feel stuck and unsure of what steps to take to create real change in our lives. With me,lets change in our life, that we can move from saying “how can I achieve my dreams”.

First, I must to love learning and I must love education and school and I'm mentally a simple but  socially for a some good people and reaction of my face is not hahaha, I want to go to a great university in America like UCLA or Harvard or somewhere awesome, with MARA's sponsor, so I can accomplish my dreams.
These are most of my dreams:
1) Help people worldwide and GAZA
2) Travel the world for years luxuriously and leisurely, meeting new people, making new friends, having     the  time of my life, and helping people.
3) Fly planes, and go through the clouds like pou game hehehe:3
4) Go to space and go into the deep sea
5) Have amazing properties, residences, offices and places all over the world
6) Holiday and live around the world.
7) Be multilingual
8) Be inspired and be an inspiration
9) Teach and Learn everyone what I know
10)Have great times on earth
11)Be a leader and a role model to youths with sunnah Rasullullah

Second is I must not surrender to negative assumptions. Eg."I'm too old, a woman, have no money, no resources, no contacts". Challenge them. Nothing is impossible to the
person who has the desire to succeed. As the proverb says,
" where there's a will, there's a way". cewwahh~ everyone can say it   [=_="]

Other than that,  I should be patient. Like a good wine, a great dream usually takes many
years to mature and then blossom. When nothing seems to be happening, don't give up hope. Never. Justin Bieber said "never say never" . I love this song. Love so much!

Allah always be with us if you want it, InsyaAllah.

Lastly, I must go forward and ignore everything about rumors spreading about the past. 
If I do not step forward, I will always be in the same place :) and if I do not go after what I want, I will not get it. my mom always reminds me :) thats all from me. 

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