
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Earth . My Lovely "Planet"

I Love them ^^      so much !

Hello 8) my lovely friends . In this world, creatures that exist only humans, plants and animals. We have to love them. At the same time, be careful with them like wild animals, poisonous plants and so on. but they are still useful in the natural cycle. right? or not?

Many of us love animals right? both of us keep them in our homes as pets. In Malaysia, many people keep cats as pets. Besides like turtle or sugar glider or fish as pets. We feed them & keep them clean. They become our friends. We play with them and they make us happy ^^
There are also other animals which we can do not keep as pets but we can find them in our homes. We call these animal pets :) They bring with them possible diseases & dangers. We do not like them & we try to get rid of them. Rats make nest in our cupboard & steal our food. Some pests like centipedes are dangerous because they can sting us. The best way to get rid of pest is to keep our house clean. By the way I love them^^ 

Adap ketika menguap

Assalamualaikum :) kali ini, pu3 na share dengan kawan2 about adap ketika menguap. Maafkan Pu3 andai ada salah & silap. Artikal itu ini untuk mengingatkan diri saya yg alpa :)

sekian, wallahua'lam :)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Gaya rambut itu adalah identiti diri

Assalamualaikumwarahmatullahi wabarakatuh kepada umat Islam di seluruh Dunia.
Pada hari Raya Aidiladha yang mulia ini, ingin saya kongsikan sedikit Ilmu yang ada kpd U all yang mungkin tidak tahu tentangnya, dan bg yang tahu tu, boleh lha tolong sebarkan.
Antara perkara mudah dan yg pling cepat diTiru adalah pesen rambut. Ada yg Nampak hodoh, ada yg lawa, ada yg ganas. Tetapi, itu semua tidak difikir oleh ikutan. Lagi2 jika ada persOnaliti terkenal yg menggayakan style rambut tu, maka.. ramailah yang menjadi pak & mak turutnya.Ramai yg menganggap gaya rambut tu sekadar "gaya" . Namun hakikatnya gaya rambut sebenarnya menterjemahkan identiti penggayanya. Sejak dulu lagi, memang rambut dijadikan identiti sesuatu kaum. Misalnya di China dahulu, bila tukar je DinasTi yg memerintah, maka ada gaya rambut yg berlainan diwajibkan.Hari ini pun sama,,, lagi2 group punk & kumpulan RoCk . Golongan punk dengan pacak tengah & berduri. Golongan RoCk dengan rambut panjang berserabutnya. Jika ada yg mnggayakan style mcm Punk, tp dy bkn pengikut Punk, dy tiada identiti. Perlukah kita menggayakan cara-cara seperti di bawah ini?
na taHu StaiL raMbuT isLamik?
sepatutnya..Orang Islam  dikenali kerana kekemasan rambutnya. Rambut kemas bersikat membuat orang seronok melihatnya.Jika dipotong pendek masih menyerlahkan kematangan peribadi. Jika dibiarkan panjang pun.. masih kelihatan kemas & menawan.Banyak hadis yang merakamkan perihal rambut Rasulullah SAW. Anas rd menceritakan bahawa secara semulajadinya Rambut Rasulullah SAW tidak lurus & tidak kerinting.. Rasulullah sentiasa menggunakan minyak Zaitun pada rambutnya. Riwayat Al-Tirmizi juga ada mengatakan Baginda suka menyikat rambutnya, sampaikan rambut Rasulullah sering disikat oleh isteri Baginda. Ada ketika Rasulullah berambut pendek & bercukur. Ada ketikanya rambut Rasulullah panjangnya sampai ke paras telinga, & kadang2 mencecah bahu (sebagaimana RIWAYAT BUKHARI) "& ada masanya rambut baginda mencecah ke paras bahu" . Ini menunjukkan Islam memberi keluasan dalam hal menggayakan rambut. Apa yang penting adalah kemas. Jangan pula dengan gaya
Al-Qaza & Tasyabbuh. 
Baginda juga pernah memintal rambutnya sebagaimana Ummu Hani menceritakan bahawa Rasulullah tiba di Mekkah dengan rambutnya ada 4 pintalan. Riwayat Al-Tirmizi & Abu Daud menurut Ulama' , hal ini menunjukkan bahawa Rasulullah sangat menjaga kekemasan rambutnya even dalam pengembaraan yang tidak menentu keadaannya.
Namun, ada juga org yg berambut panjang, memandai-mandai mendakwa mengikut sunnah Rasulullah sedangkan rambutnya berserabut macam RumPai LauT KeRing~ harus diingat juga, even Rasulullah pernah berambut panjang, masih tERSERlah gaya MASKULIN baginda dengan berJanggut rapi :)
1) Al-Qaza'
Iaitu mencukur sebahagian rambut & membiarkan sebahagian lain.
(riwayat Al-Bukhari)
Hari ini,pelbagai gaya Al-Qaza' yg kita bole lihat. Kalau dulu, paderi kristian mencukur rambut di tengah & membiarkan rambut disekelilingnya. kelakar betul! skrg pulaq kumpulan PUNK yg buat mcm topi TroJan; cukur kanan & kiri then biarkan rambut di bahagian tengah je. Teringat masa temasya BOLA SEPAK dunia ketika Ronaldo menjadi sebutan ramai.Dia membawa gaya rambut berjambul di depan & bhgn lainnya dicukur. Maka ramai pula yg buat & tiru gaya itu. Bahkan ada seorang ayah dengan bangga mengayakan rambut anak kecilnya sebegitu rupa. huu~
2) Tasyabbuh
Iaitu meniru gaya yg khusus bagi golongan kafir & faSiQ.
Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "sesiapa yg meniru sesuatu kumpulan, dia adalah salah seorang drpad mereka!" (Riwayat Abu Daud)
Apabila satu2 gaya termasuklah gaya rambut telah menjadi symbol identiti sesuatu kumpulan orang FasiQ, maka elakkan menirunya. Usah biarkan citra muslim tenggelam dengan picisan gaya rambut sebigini.

How do I communicate effectively with my new classmate and roommate

How do I communicate effectively with my new classmate 
 and roommate ??
Is it the final essay in my assignment to be completed? Yes, of course. The tittle as above. Well, I keep on title-linking. Actually, in fact, in the world I'm feel sure everyone has a variety of friends habits. Some good, some bad and some are evil. There are many ways to communicate effectively with my new classmate and roommate. For me, sometimes we need to embrace their nature. But do not we follow their negative actions. Normally we see our new friends in class and in the room (in the hostel).Tto communicate with different people need a variety of ways. How do I?
Begin with something positive. Whenever we need to have a serious discussion with anyone new with us, it is always advisable to begin with something positive. We must be sincere and not use artificial praise as a form of manipulation. People automatically become defensive when they hear someone beginning with negatives, such as criticism or complaints. But if the same comments were preceded by a compliment, people would be vastly more open to consider what they are being told. So if I need to express my dissatisfaction to my new friends (and who doesn't?!), try to begin speaking by offering a few words of approval or something like this "hi, you looks beautiful today. Let have some breakfast together then we can share and continue our new story"
Next is I almost explain what made I feel the way I did. People often mistakenly assume that their feelings are universal. They think, "Anyone would feel the way I did." It is so obvious to them that their feelings were "normal" that they see no need to explain to their friends exactly why they feel the way they do. Instead, they simply recount the disturbing events and let the tale speak for itself. This is a serious mistake. If I do not explain, in the most specific language possible, exactly how I felt, 
my friends  will not understand what bothered me.
Furthermore, dont talk too much and give them a chance to talk. Sometimes we can recognize a person in conversation. We do not need to talk a lot to impress our roomate or classmate. Say what was necessary. Dont be too serious and not too casual. Just be a normal person. if you do this "new" want to know them. If already long together, keep up the pace of your life with them as usual. New people do not seem like old people. I think readers will understand. hehehehe
 (whom we just know will not wise up)
Lastly, try to be fun, friendly and ratable. Besides doing all of our work and contributing, there’s still more we can do to be an awesome with new classmate and roommate.  I know maybe you’re thinking, “What?! More work?”  but in all honesty, these tips are something we could really incorporate into your social skills in general. Being closed off, quiet and shy can sometimes make you seem a little standoffish and to ourself, which could halt the communication process or even start it from occurring. Be fun and friendly to work with so that everyone feels comfortable talking to us and being themselves around you. This is most important if we have someone in our group who is very quiet and shy. They WANT to interact with the group,class or room, they just may be a bit more shy than the rest. It doesn’t mean they’re mean, don’t like you  or don’t want to contribute, they just need a little extra nudge to get them out of their shell. Here’s where we come in! See what they like, what they don’t like. Work with them on the ideas and maybe speak with them on those things to deliver a consensus of our opinions to the rest of the group. The purpose of the class project is to get everyone involved, so if that means working a little more with someone a bit more shy to make sure that happens, do that! We’ll feel rewarded making a new friend who may actually end up being super sweet and funny and maybe I’ll even meet someone I can hang out with outside of class. Make sure everyone’s comfortable. That goes hand in hand with not letting anyone make us feel uncomfortable. We’re just as important as the rest of our classmate or roomate or group  members, so work constructively, together. Thats all from me:) have a nice day.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

What should I do to improve my public speaking?

Hello.. hello.. and hello my lovely readers :) Today, English is used widely. it has become the most popular language of communication between countries and in many fields of human endeavor. So it is important that we learn to use english. Otherwise we'll be at a disadvantage. Whats that?

The only effective way of improving my English is to use it, as often as possible. In school, the only time when English is used is during English lessons like HPE or HSP ( English subject). That certainly is not enough. So wherever possible I speak English with some friends and teacher who will or can speak English with me.

Sometimes reading book, magazines and newspaper are good ways of improving my public speaking. On the whole they are grammatically correct. We may speak incorrect English  and get away with it. Not so with printed words, they have to be correct. Trough reading, I tried to learned how to use correct English in writing and speaking, thought at times still speak the broke broken English that many of use speak here.

Furthermore, watching television and listening to the radio are two more ways of improving my speaking English. English as it is spoken by the English, Americans, Malaysia and other are distinctly different.

So I continue to use English, that is, hear, read and especially speak  and write it. Some of many friend only hear it. I'll try my best to master it. My friends? just laughing at me right now, but not soon. InsyaAllah i'll catch it. Thats all :)

Monday, October 7, 2013

What should I do to achieve my dream? :)

Peace friends! HEHEE..
Today I will write about what I should do to achieve my dream as title above earlier :) .. I apologize for any spelling mistakes @ my grammatical errors in English.

I have many dreams... besides, I want to be (dean's list for every semester) the best students in academic and other matters such as meeting, incentive, convention and exhibition, because I was freshman in course tourism. 
hehehee .. Just want to share.
Back to the original topic, what should i do to achieve my dream. I had a meeting with the teacher and chat with friends who can help. They suggest me to do some important things and I have to do it! maybe its look like simple thing. But how much people can't can do this?
Many of us say “I want to achieve my dreams,” but are not sure where to begin. We want more out of life but feel stuck and unsure of what steps to take to create real change in our lives. With me,lets change in our life, that we can move from saying “how can I achieve my dreams”.

First, I must to love learning and I must love education and school and I'm mentally a simple but  socially for a some good people and reaction of my face is not hahaha, I want to go to a great university in America like UCLA or Harvard or somewhere awesome, with MARA's sponsor, so I can accomplish my dreams.
These are most of my dreams:
1) Help people worldwide and GAZA
2) Travel the world for years luxuriously and leisurely, meeting new people, making new friends, having     the  time of my life, and helping people.
3) Fly planes, and go through the clouds like pou game hehehe:3
4) Go to space and go into the deep sea
5) Have amazing properties, residences, offices and places all over the world
6) Holiday and live around the world.
7) Be multilingual
8) Be inspired and be an inspiration
9) Teach and Learn everyone what I know
10)Have great times on earth
11)Be a leader and a role model to youths with sunnah Rasullullah

Second is I must not surrender to negative assumptions. Eg."I'm too old, a woman, have no money, no resources, no contacts". Challenge them. Nothing is impossible to the
person who has the desire to succeed. As the proverb says,
" where there's a will, there's a way". cewwahh~ everyone can say it   [=_="]

Other than that,  I should be patient. Like a good wine, a great dream usually takes many
years to mature and then blossom. When nothing seems to be happening, don't give up hope. Never. Justin Bieber said "never say never" . I love this song. Love so much!

Allah always be with us if you want it, InsyaAllah.

Lastly, I must go forward and ignore everything about rumors spreading about the past. 
If I do not step forward, I will always be in the same place :) and if I do not go after what I want, I will not get it. my mom always reminds me :) thats all from me. 

Why Im afraid to speak in english


Hi everybody! This time, I want to share with all of you about my weakness in my journey live life.
First of all, check out this video =)

Pu3; u all! I want to speak English with u all! Who want to join me?
Fatrah; sure!
Nelly; yup, ofcours I want!
Bella; can la..can..
Pu3; I like English language so much and I will try to speak with good even I can little bit, little bit
Azwan; stop it pu3! U sound like an idiot! Speak malay sudah..
Pu3; how could you said like that to me huh?!
Azwan; hey.. relax lah. You are the one who trying to speaking with me like an idiot. Oops! Sorry. I was just trying to help you out.
Pu3; but by calling me an idiot?!!! You will be my ex-best friend! It’s over!
Azwan; pu3,, pu3,, wait.. Come on… pu3!!

Since that tragedy, I decide to not say anything with him and other people and quiet from speaking in English language with other friends. I was worried about rumors spreading about me. I always feel people laughing behind my back. It was a horrible time in my life. I’m very afraid to speaking English.
I was tried to tell my lovely friends in email about my problem. He is very kind with me. Sometimes advising me and help me to improving my English. One day, I told him that I fear embarrassment when speaking in English. Then she told me like this  “relax Puteri, I have a Mexican friend who basically had the same problem. You don't need  to be embarrassed of your English. It is your second language, not your first right? Americans would most definitely have trouble learning Chinese. Lol. When in conversation, confidence doesn't matter when it comes to speaking a certain language. A language shouldn't be a charismatic goal, it's an educational one.. You've accomplished one of the hardest languages in the world (Chinese being the first, at that). People aren't going to make fun of your slip-ups in a conversation, they'll understand. :) They'll probably laugh with you, because it's funny (in a non-insulting way). You can also gain the confidence you desire by these mistakes. It's similar to, "you don't know how to ride a bike until your knee is bloody." I wish you luck on your next conversation, and congratulations on Learning English. :) Also, good luck on Slang in the English Language... hahahaha!! That's what makes this language so damn complicated. Lol. Hope this helps,  love you dear :) ”

Next is why am I afraid to speak in English is I feeling nervous in public speaking. Sometimes when I look at audience when present, I just acting like I good person in the same time my hands are shaking but not to noticeable and my knees are going week. That’s why I try to walking at the in front. Huhuhuhuu~

While watching television, at the bottom there is definitely a subtitle in English. However, I rarely read them. I only hear and see the story progress. I do not try to read  it because I'm afraid miss a scene. and when the English drama, I read subtitle wither. This makes me weak in the English language. I was afraid of. I'm afraid to try. By the way, I would have dramatically improved my  English language  in the future. I will share how I wanna improve my dream to speak in English in “What Should I Do To Improve My Public Speaking”  insyaAllah coming soon. ByeJ