
Thursday, September 12, 2013

How do I adapt with the new environment when I first time came to KPTMKB

Hi ! my lovely readers. Today I wanna share something with you. Check it out!   Once day, as it was Saturday the roads were busy. My father is a careful driver & he does not drive too fast  or dangerously. This way proved to be good for there was a speed trap manned by police along the way. I actually feel  fell asleep once proceed from Johor. Huh? Where am I going? The journey had taken about  12 hour to reach there. Lastly when I awoke, we are already in Kelantan. Oops! I told you already,  hehehe.. I thought it will be the secret until the ending of the story. Alright, never mind. Then my father steered the car to find Poly-Tech Mara College (KPTM) in Kelantan. Like all towns, there were many cars and other vehicles and many foreigners. My mother told that Kelantan has many places of historical interest  and thus was not suprising. On the way we passed many interesting sights. Finally we arrived at college in Lembah Sireh, then I stepped out of the car with empty soul. I don’t know how I must elaborate. Huhuhu~
Recollect my memory, when I was a kid, the first day of school is always the worst day of the year. It’s like some crazy surgeon throws me on an operating table and remove a major organ from my chest.  But next, I’m not sure how I’ve got many friends with me. My lovely mother and father accompanied me to KPTM on the first day. When I’m looking around, other parents accompanied their children as well. We all waited for long time in front of the college’s hall for registration as a student. My mother and father went home soon after for they know I would be all right. Today is Sunday, 16th of January 2013 my first day in KPTM.
After 4 weeks in hostel, I tell told everything about my schedule in KPTM to my mother and she said “those of them who are college veterans will never forget their freshman year at college. Some of them may like to forget their freshman year, but in general it is a time filled with anticipation, some anxiety, and wonderful discoveries. College is a lot different than high school. You may decide to commute from your home to a local campus. Your freshman experience will definitely make an impression on you. Without doubt, though, the most dramatic freshman year is for those living away from home. What can you expect as you head off into the wonderful world of higher education? The first thing you'll notice is the workload. By the way, here you can see how you must adapt the new environment” . For me, educationists can helping new students like me to adapt new environment is an important prerequisite for achieving education goals as this impacts on academic performance. How about you readers? Now, even for me the studies are going on well, but the standard is high, I am trying to catch up with others, classmates are helping me so much.
First, I help myself adapt. Surely a relocation is related to a huge change in my life and it takes time to adaptWhen moving to a new place like this,its going simple if I can adapt in a new environment easier if I don’t expect anything. Having no prejudices and no preliminary ideas of what your experience is going to be like will help you accept what comes. This will make adapting to a new environment easier for me and readers =)

Next is I can do to handle this task is find new friend and social. This way can help me to adapt the environment. But I always carefully to be friend with someone. I like to make new friends. Even though you may have moved with your partner or family every new place will seem less lonely if you have someone to share it with. You can enroll with a local club, start a new activity or a hobby, go jogging twice a week early in the morning, etc. Soon you will get to know all the people doing those things and you might find some new friends.
Besides, I tried to focus on assignment or any work I get from lecturer.  How do I adapt to a new environment work might help myself. Pay attention to my new work, get myself involved in the working process, get to know my colleagues in class. I can take some time for that – offer my new friends once in a week to go and have a quick drink after class or finish work and relax together.
Furthermore, I hate gossip. But, the most thing I do is Ignore the gossips at class and at my  neighborhood in hostel. This is how to adapt to a new environment with as little stress as possible kan?  Me and you don’t know what kind of relations the people around us have or  had and staying away from that is a great way to preserve our inner peace. My father said  “ kakak don’t need to hear about who’s argued with whom about what and comments about other people. Staying away from this sort of information will help kakaq to create positive relationships with the people around you” . For me, in another meaning is at least avoid any negative ones,,, which is exactly what will help you adapt in a new environment.

Lastly, from my opinion, everyone have their own style to adapt the new environment. Personally adapting to a new environment is a time consuming process. Adapting to a new city, high school, college, neighborhood, job, etc will require of us to take some useful measures. By the way, if you have your own opinion, please share with me =)

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